VLMOVE was made with movement type 305 to complete a plant to plant move using the 'Create Inbound' instead of 'Post' by mistake.
The HU is now in a status 'HU with inventory mgmt scheduled for other HU storage loc'.
- The inbound can't be unpacked: states 'HU is in transit >> Cannot be changed',
- The inbound can't be received: states 'Storage unit XXXX does not exist'
- The inbound can't be deleted: states 'Delivery still contains HU's'
- The HU can't be deleted: states 'Processing of HUs for selected objects not possible'.
- MIGO GR: states 'Inbound does not contain any selectable items'.
- HUCANC: states 'HU XXXX is assigned to a delivery - can't reverse material doc.
Any thoughts how to delete the HU or inbound?
Thanx, Cathy