Created a PO and inbound delivery in ECC
but cannot able to find in EWM
Everything is fine so far suddenly it get stuck in ECC
Please advise what could be the reason and how to fix it
I am getting below messages in ECC (qRFC)
Cl. Queue Name Destination Entries Status Date 1 Time 1 NxtDate NxtTim
800 MCEX02 NONE 2 NOSEND 03.09.2015 03:39:02 03.09.2015 03:39:55
Function Module Queue Name Destination Date Time Status
MCEX_UPDATE_02_QRFC MCEX02 NONE 03.09.2015 03:39:02 Transaction recorded
MCEX_UPDATE_02_QRFC MCEX02 NONE 03.09.2015 03:39:55 Transaction recorded