I was introduced by a friend of mine to register here, and was actually a fan since this forum is very very helpful for beginners like me.
Pardon for my question, perhaps this was raised before, but would really need your expert advise. I'm working on stock removal using qty classification.
The scenario is to see whether Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal is working for loose -1, carton - C and pallet-P.
I have created an order with 102 units, packspec is created with qty classification - where 100 ea is one pallet, 20ea is 1 carton. During wave release,
only one WT is created and that is for the full pallet of 100ea, the loose qty of 2ea ended up always with an error system could not determine source
storage bin. we've checked everything but system failes to see the inventory of the loose qty. Please advise what to do, perhaps Im missing some config or settings.
To add on the transaction that I have done, below is the wave log:
***** Start wave release for wave 2810 13
***** Wave release division step started for wave 2810 13
Error during WT creation for wave item 2810 13 1
***** Product WT Creation *****
For wave 13 1
For warehouse request PDO 15940 10
For product 21000252; quantity 102.00000000000000 EA
***** Determine source data - start *****
Determining source data with storage type:, section:, bin:, HU:
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wild card: Search sequence SPAL and rule FEFO found
Determine stock in source storage type group SPAL
Restricted batch stock have been skipped for process type 2010(2810)
Handling unit type P1 determined
Requested quantity rounded to 100.00000000000000 EA
Source storage bin AC_TESTBIN001 determined in storage type ACRG
***** Determine destination data - start *****
Defaults for destination data: StorType:ANDI Storage Sec.:ANDI Stor. Bin:GI-ZONE
Destination storage type ANDI checked successfully
Destination storage section ANDI is entered in storage type: ANDI
Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. Stor.Bin Type, 2nd alt. Storage Sec., 3rd alt. StorType
Access table for bin search:
Storage type: ANDI storage section: ANDI bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Start of destination bin search
Stor.type: ANDI, stor.area: ANDI, bin type: , stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type ANDI: HUs allowed but not required
Standard putaway behavior (storage type ANDI)
Capacity check against storage bin GI-ZONE
Weight: 413.78400000000000 KG are checked
against free capacity 999,999,999,999.999 KG with tolerance 0 KG
Volume: 1.44000000000000 M3 are checked
against free capacity 999,999,999,999.999 M3 with tolerance 0 M3
HU was checked successfully
Destination quantity 100.00000000000000 was determined (storage type: ANDI, storage bin:GI-ZONE)
Queue determination started with 2810/BKAA/ / /2010/ / /PICK
Queue determination number 00001 with X/X/X/X/X
Queue not determined with 2810/BKAA/ / /2010/PICK
Queue determination number 00002 with X/ /X/X/X
Queue not determined with 2810/BKAA/ / /2010/PICK
Queue determination number 00003 with X/ /X/X/
Queue not determined with 2810/BKAA/ / /2010/
Queue determination number 00004 with X/ / /X/
Queue not determined with 2810/BKAA/ / /2010/
Queue determination number 00005 with /X/ /X/X
Queue not determined with 2810/ / / /2010/PICK
Queue determination number 00006 with /X/ /X/
Queue determined with 2810/ / / /2010/
Queue OUTBOUND determined
No workload data is maintained in warehouse number 2810
***** Determine source data - start *****
Determining source data with storage type:, section:, bin:, HU:
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wildcard: No entry found
System could not determine source storage bin
Warehouse tasks created for only a part of the requested quantity
Warehouse request 15940, 10 could not be picked/could only be partly picked
Wave 2810 13 : 1 WTs created
Many thanks in advance,