Dear experts,
I am getting above error with final putaway task is pending for confirmation and hence my warehouse Putaway is not completed.
We are executing following steps
1. With Z tcode posting GR in ECC and creating Inbound delivery(ID). This Inbound delivery creates IDN and ID in EWM and create WT for quality (QI01)and confirms the same. Back in ECC ID posted with PGR with material in quality.
2.Now we take usage decision in /SCWM/QINSP and accepts material and it creates then 2 tasks. One task (123) from QI01 to XY01 consolidation area and final task(456) from XY01 to destination storage type(FC01) and bin.Task 123 got confirmed automatcially but task 456 is pending for confirmation and status is "B".
Please let us know what is the meaning of status "B" and solution to addres this.
Thanks for support