Dear Experts,
I have following scenarion to be tested:
A storage contains 4 storage sections:
A, B, C and D.
There are 2 Storage bin types:
Big bins for storage sections A,B and C.
Small bins for storage sections D.
3 HU-Types are existing for the Storage:
Big HUs: Types 11 and 12
Small HUs: Types 13.
No I have a problem during the putaway of empty HUs (Small, type 13) when the all bins of the storage type D are blocked...
My rule for the putaway of HU of type 13 is following:
- If storage section D is availible -> putaway there
- If storage section D is not availible -> putaway into A (than B and than C)
My customizing looks following:
Sorage sections:
Storage bin types:
Storage section search:
Storage bin type search:
What can be a Problem?