Hi All,
I am doing the following scenario and I have all the config and master data setting that is needed to do cross dock.
This scenario is cross dock from the Inbound side
1. Create Sales order for qty 10 in ECC and that is replicated in EWM.
2. Wave the ODO in EWM and that creates an WT to pick 10 qty from the GNL location. The WT is still open and I did not confirm it yet. The WT has source and destination HU determined. The WO has Queue assigned based on Queue determination
3. I now create an Inbound delivery in ECC for same prod and Qty 10 and it is replicated in EWM.
4. In EWM, I pack the qty 10 in a HU and then I do a 'Goods Receipt' to the GR-ZONE. I don't have a POSC
5. Now I am manually creating a putaway WT for the ID.
Now this is where my problem is. I was hoping that system will cross dock this inbound delivery with the outbound delivery and in doing so, it will cancel the open Pick WT that was created for the ODO and will create a new cross dock WT but system did not do so. It is creating a direct putaway WT to the GNL location.
ALSO, this process works when for the ODO, I do not create any open WT. In that case, during putaway WT creation it is cross docked.
So the question is, does EWM consider open WT's during XDock? In some texts, SAP writes that the open WT's will get cancelled and cross docked but that is not happening.
Thanks for your inputs and help