Following you will find a list of the available SAP training courses and e-learnings for SAP Extended Warehouse Management, including some details and target groups. For a detailed course description, content and availability, please visit, select your country and enter the course code in the search field.
Some general remarks:
Collection: Collections describe the “release” of the EWM course. While sometimes the collections just marks the move from one EWM release to the other, on other occasions with a new collection a course has quite extensive changes. It is not always necessary to have a course in the collection for the EWM release you will work in. A new course collection does not necessarily mean that all new features of the EWM release are in the courses. Which collection is available in your country, might also depend on the available translation of the course.
As a rough orientation of the collections and the related software releases:
- Col. 95: EWM7.0 with Enhancement Package 1, SAP ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 5
- Col. 10: SAP EWM 9.0, SAP ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 6
- Col. 15: SAP EWM 9.1; SAP ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 7
Please pay attention to the "essential" and "recommended" prerequisites for all courses. While you have the possibility in the SAP Learning Hub to switch from one class to the other and back, it is very difficult to follow a classroom training (live or virtual) if you do not have the required knowledge.
Available courses:
EWM100. This is the general overview class for SAP EWM. Originally 3 days, it was extended with Col. 15 to 5 days and is essential for everyone involved in an EWM project or simply interested to know what EWM can deliver. It is the definite prerequisite for any other EWM training as long as you do not have any EWM experience yet.
The course is available in the SAP Learning Hub as EWM100 (Flipbook) or EWM10E (e-learning).
EWM110. The EWM110 covers the “basic” customizing knowledge required in any EWM project. But it is not only for consultants, also project team members participating in discussions around processes will get an understanding how EWM works and how your processes are supported. Topics covered are for example the system integration, the warehouse structure, required master data, goods receipt, goods issue and internal movements, warehouse tasks and warehouse orders, process-oriented storage control, physical inventory and slotting.
This class is a must have for every consultant working with EWM.
In the SAP Learning Hub you will find the course as EWM110 (Flipbook) and EWM11E (e-learning).
EWM120. This is where the fun begins: Value-Added Services, Cross-Docking, Resource Management, Yard Management and Transportation Planning Integration, Production Staging and Quality Management are some of the topics which are part of this course. You need to have the knowledge covered in EWM110, as for example you build up some process-oriented storage controlled processes.
Also for this course you can find the EWM120 as Flipbook and the EWM12E as e-learning in the learning hub.
EWM125. Labor Management as a very specialized topic has its own course. This is a half day class only, so probably everywhere it is offered as a Virtual Live Classroom (VLC) only.
EWM900. More in a workshop format then in a classic classroom training, this course is for developers who need a profound knowledge of the concepts of BADI and add-on programming in EWM. You will learn about some functions modules and methods used in areas like deliveries and warehouse processes. Some BADI implementations are introduced (and created), you also have the possibility to develop your own mobile transaction using the RF-Framework. This class requires programming skills in ABAP, skills in ABAP Objects are helpful recommended.
The Consultant Academy trainings are for (but not limited to) consultants, who want to prepare for a certification in a short time. For EWM we offer the TEWM10 and the TEWM12. They are based on the standard courses, so the TEWM10 lasts 10 days to cover EWM100 and EWM110, the TEWM12 corresponds to EWM120 and EWM125 and is 5 days accordingly.