Hi there,
I have the following issue, hoping anyone can help me out:
We use tr.code: /SCWM/MAT1 to maintain a WareHouse-product. On the Warehouse-data page, I can change the field: Putaway Control Indicator.
After saving the change, the CIF-interface is triggered and an update is sent to ECC, where this field is mapped into the MaterialMaster-data.
Now I need this to be done in background, using a scheduled report.
I have created a z-report which can update the Putaway Control Indicator, exactly like in SAP GUI foreground. The only difference however is that the CIF interface to ECC is not triggered...!!!
I have tried FM: 'BAPI_PRDSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI2' and also '/SAPAPO/DM_PRODUCT_POST_ONE'. Both can update the Putaway Control Indicator, but no CIF is sent out!
I have also tried COMMIT_WORK, CALL FUNCTION '/SAPAPO/DM_MATERIAL_INIT', etc etc., but did not succeed!
Anybody any ideas?
Thank you in advance!!
Best reg., Walter.