Have a Question ... pertaining to SCM-EWM = Extended Warehouse Management Functionality in SCM.
I knew WMS Functionality that is part of erstwhile R3 4.6, 4.7 and now ECC 6 Releases.
Back in 2003-2004 also came "Decentralized WMS" which was the same thing, but WMS implemented
on a Separate Server integrated to R3 via IDOCs/BDOCs. It had additional functionality of TRM (Task & Resource Mngt)
which I know as my team has implemented in my earlier job as SCM Manager. At that time there was no WMS inside of SCM (primarily APO).
I am now quite confused with the "Extended WM" functionality that has come as part of SCM along with APO.
- What is the reason for coining EWM ? Architecture seems similar to D-WMS. Is this meant to be a 'Replacement' for D-WMS ?
- I am reading this EWM having functionality similar to D-WMS (eg : TRM, Cross Docking, RFID) ... so it
appears to be the same ... except now I am reading it has functionality called 'Slotting', 'Rearrangement',
'Transportation Cross Docking", "EH&S Integration" ... all honestly very confusing to me.
- Is it that SAP will now do all the Latest Developments around WM only in the "EWM" module & slowly phase out WMS in ECC ?
Thought someone might know. This confuses me a lot & I as Head SCM am unable to give the Right Opinion to our Customers on where to head for Warehouse Management.
Ambrish Mathur