While working with pack specification I encountered with one error in inbound process.
Process scenario is as followed.
The each of product is packed into a packaging material which creates a HU(small box).
subsequently each 10 PCS of above HU's are packed into another HU(Pallet).
packaging specification is maintained with two levels.
ERP system I have created inbound delivery of 12 quantity and distributed to eWM system.
in eWM system according to packaging specification system has generated two HU's.
first top HU - 1000 contains ten low level HU's and second top HU 1001 contains two low level HU's.(worked as expected)
after confirmation of unloading task goods are available at staging area and new 2 tasks are generated.
source is staging area and destination is final bin.
Here system has created two new HU's for two tasks. ( do not know why this was happened?). Ideally the source and destination HU should be 1000 and 1001 for individual task.
when I check any one of the new HU system is taking to me HU details screen and I can see that
top HU is 1001 and low level HU's are new Handling Units.
when I tried to confirm the final putaway task system is throwing error as HU xxxxxxxxxx has a reserved quantity; HU withdrawl not possible
and from monitor when I click on HU details I have my own HU's 1000 and 1001. 1000 HU is with 10 low level HU's and 1001 is
with two low level HU's.
thanks for your time and valuable inputs..