Pack spec for the product is maintained as below.
20 pcs of product is packed into Cartoon and 1 pallet is holding 5 Cartoons. Sales order unit of measure is Cartoon and purchase order unit of measure is pallet.
I have created purchase order and subsequently delivery. This delivery is distributed to eWM system. According to the pack spec 1 TOP HU( pallet) and there are 5 low level HU(cartoons) got generated.
According to the putaway strategy one storage bin holds the TOP HU and corresponding low level HU's.
from inbound point of view is working as per expectation.
I have created a sales order for 2 Cartoons and subsequently a delivery got created and distributed to eWM system. ( requested quantity is Cartoon).
when I created the task for picking process system has proposed source bin and source HU as the TOP HU.
When I tried to create+save the warehouse task system system is referring to provide low level HU and pick HU details ( correct).
Here I am creating a dummy HU ( and trying to pick both 2 lower level HU) into pick HU.
After creation of ware house task when I check the pick HU details there are no low level HU's. ( I am expecting the pick HU should contain two low level HU's.).
When I create two HU's manually and at that instance system is allowing to move the pick HU''s into new HU's.
Is it the case we are using Pick HU is only used for picking purpose without HU details and move the quantity to work center and there we need to pack the goods ?
am I missing any configuration settings including pick HU logic?
thanks for your help..