Dear Experts
I am configuring VAS in GR with SPOC. Process has 1) Unloading 2) VAS at WC VR01 3) VAS at WC VR02 4) Putaway. System creates WT automatically for 2nd step. Completed VAS activity in VR01. But it does not create WT for further move to VR02. Need your hlep. Thank you.
Here is process:-
1) ID created in ECC for 10EA. Stock packed onto one pallet.
2) ID created successfully in EWM. VAS order auto generated. Packing spec, Work center for each level determined.
3) Unloading WT created for HU of ID. Upon confirmation, HU WT for moving pallet to VR01 is created automatically from SPOC. WT confirmed.
4) Performed VAS activity at VR01 WC. VAS activity completed. This level has only Aux. Pack material. Not rel for HU creation.
Expected Auto WT for VR01 to VR02 move. This is not created.
Best Regards
Phani sai MN