We are installing an SCP EHP2 (SID=EWD) for usage EWM (Extended Warehouse Mgmt). During installation of central instance (SCM 7.0 EHP2) with AIX/oracle the sapinst fails with following error:
Error during execution of command identifier 'DOES_INSTALLATION_EXIST' : MaxDB Software must be installed before this class can be instantiated!
As far as I know, livecache is not needed for EWM usage. (According note 1527079 sapinst wants to install livecache client software even when livecache is not needed for the system, so I provides sapinst with the livecache DVD, but that should be all.)
In note 1354247 I found the errormessage "MaxDB Software must be installed before this class can be instantiated!", but the note is for dialoginstances below maxdb (we have a CI with oracle) and also the wrong release.
Any ideas ? I opened a customer message, but SAP says, we should also install a livecache. But even if we we would install a livecache, the livecache is normally installed after the SCM system was installed. So this doesn't solve the sapinst-Problem.....