Hi Expert,
I am working on Batch management process in EWM. The process is related to batch determination in EWM system. The step are as follows:
a. Create Outbound delivery in ECC system. Batch determination strategy determined.
b. Outbound delivery replicated in EWM and Outbound delivery order created.
c. I can see the few of batch determination strategy characteristics showing in EWM ODO but not all.(Out of 5 characteristics only 2 are showing in EWM ODO) screen shots attached.
So due to which when I am creating Warehouse task for picking system adopt the FIFO rule to pick the stock, But actually, I have made the stock removal rule, so that the batch to be fetched based on ECC strategy.
I have CIF'ed the batch to EWM system and the characteristics are assigned to Organizational area in both the system.
1. The following batch characteristics are used in my scenario.
Screen shot 1
Screen shot 2
Batch Determination strategy in ECC delivery.
Screen shot 3
Batch determination strategy in EWM Outbound delivery order. As you can see only 2 characteristics are showing.
Please let me know what is that I am missing.