We are trying to activate delivery tolerance check in ECC for ECC-EWM integration. However we see that node in Logistics Execution -->SAP EWM Integration-->Extended Inbound Delivery Processing -->EWM Tolerance check based on purchasing document is missing in our ERP system.
Can you help us find the relevant node in ECC ?
For EWM settings we referred to the below library:-
Steps done to test-
1)Created PO for 10 qty. PO has an over-delivery tolerance of 30%
2) Created Inbound delivery with 15 qty.
3) Inbound delivery sent to EWM and EWM inbound delivery is
successfully created.
4) No value flown in PQTOT and over-delivery tolerance check failed.
We have done the settings only in EWM as we could not find node in
ECC which we suspect is causing tolerance failure.