Dear experts,
I need your help on this issue, once I couldn't find solution on my searches..
Well, I've been trying to split an outbound delivery created at ECC and already distributed to EWM.
A second ODO was already created at EWM (referring to the initial ODR) but, when I try to send it back do ECC (after Goods Issue) it get stuck at SMQ2 with these 2 errors (detailed at SLG1):
Message LEDSP037 - Function module LE_DSP_REMOTE was terminated with exception 6
Message LEDSP007 - No split profile in TVDSP for activity '0003' deliv. type 'ZVMI'
In other words, at t.code VL01N (ECC) I created doc no. 123456 with 10pcs. This doc was distributed to EWM as ODR and was reference to create another doc number as ODO, no. 234 with 10pcs. I picked up 7pcs of them and let 3pcs to another ODO, no. 235 (created at EWM). I goods issued doc no. 234 with 7pcs and this message got stuck like system couldn't accept 2 ODOs for 1 ODR.
Among some attempts, I've simulated delivery split using split profile via t.code VLSP, which got another message error:
Message LEDSP074 - Delivery 80000588 is distributed to another system; split not possible.
Please, could anyone help me on setting an outbound delivery process where it get splitted at EWM and registered back accordingly at ECC?
Hope I was clear, let me know if I missed any detail.
Best regards.