Hi everyone,
Scenario:- I have create inbound delivery & Create the task for unload. After the unload task confirmed system not create another task
And one queue stuck on SMQ2 and I check the log . Please advise what to do, perhaps Im missing some config or settings.
Below is the log:
***** HU WT Creation for HU 2676 *****
Storage control active for HU 2676 with storage process ZDEC
***** Putaway Warehouse Task Creation for HU 2676 - Start
***** Product WT Creation *****
For warehouse request PDI 963 10
For product 10000883; quantity 45.00000000000000 EA
***** Determine source data - start *****
Source HU 2676 entered; storage type: ; storage bin:
Determining source data with storage type:9010, section:, bin:GR-ZONE, HU:2676
Source storage type 9010 defined
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wildcard: No entry found
Determine stock in source storage type 9010
Determine stock in source storage bin GR-ZONE
Storage bin GR-ZONE is not assigned to any physical inventory area
Source storage bin GR-ZONE determined in storage type 9010
Handling unit type E1 determined
***** Determine destination data - start *****
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wild card: Search sequence KBSS and rule 2 found
Storage type search sequence KBSS found
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type KB30
HU type check is not active in storage type KB30
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type GENR
HU type check is not active in storage type GENR
Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. Stor.Bin Type, 2nd alt. Storage Sec., 3rd alt. StorType
Access table for bin search:
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: T030 whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: GENR storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Start of destination bin search
Stor.type: KB30, stor.area: ****, bin type: T030, stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type KB30: HUs not allowed
Standard putaway behavior (storage type KB30)
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Determining a fixed bin (storage type KB30)
Maximum weight (incl. tolerance) for LocationK01-08-C01 was exceeded by 3,500 KG
Maximum weight (incl. tolerance) for LocationK01-08-C01 was exceeded by 3,500 KG
Capacity check against storage bin K01-08-C01
Weight: 1,000 KG are checked
against free capacity 1,000 KG with tolerance 0 KG
Partial qty 10.00000000000000 is put away in storage bin K01-08-C01 (product:10000883,storage type:KB30)
Split Occurred - Detailed information
Stor. bin K01-08-C01 found and assigned to product 10000883 as a fixed bin
HU was checked successfully
Dest. QTY 10.00000000000000 EA was determined (storage type: KB30, storage bin:K01-08-C01)
***** Determine source data - start *****
Source HU 2676 entered; storage type: ; storage bin:
Determining source data with storage type:9010, section:, bin:GR-ZONE, HU:2676
Source storage type 9010 defined
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wildcard: No entry found
Determine stock in source storage type 9010
Determine stock in source storage bin GR-ZONE
Storage bin GR-ZONE is not assigned to any physical inventory area
Source storage bin GR-ZONE determined in storage type 9010
***** Determine destination data - start *****
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wild card: Search sequence KBSS and rule 2 found
Storage type search sequence KBSS found
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type KB30
HU type check is not active in storage type KB30
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type GENR
HU type check is not active in storage type GENR
Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. Stor.Bin Type, 2nd alt. Storage Sec., 3rd alt. StorType
Access table for bin search:
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: T030 whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: GENR storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Start of destination bin search
Stor.type: KB30, stor.area: ****, bin type: T030, stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type KB30: HUs not allowed
Standard putaway behavior (storage type KB30)
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Determining a fixed bin (storage type KB30)
Mixed storage in HU for storage type KB30 failed due to BAdI implementation
Maximum weight (incl. tolerance) for LocationK01-08-D01 was exceeded by 2,500 KG
Capacity check against storage bin K01-08-D01
Weight: 1,000 KG are checked
against free capacity 1,000 KG with tolerance 0 KG
Partial qty 10.00000000000000 is put away in storage bin K01-08-D01 (product:10000883,storage type:KB30)
Split Occurred - Detailed information
Stor. bin K01-08-D01 found and assigned to product 10000883 as a fixed bin
HU was checked successfully
Dest. QTY 10.00000000000000 EA was determined (storage type: KB30, storage bin:K01-08-D01)
***** Determine source data - start *****
Source HU 2676 entered; storage type: ; storage bin:
Determining source data with storage type:9010, section:, bin:GR-ZONE, HU:2676
Source storage type 9010 defined
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wildcard: No entry found
Determine stock in source storage type 9010
Determine stock in source storage bin GR-ZONE
Storage bin GR-ZONE is not assigned to any physical inventory area
Source storage bin GR-ZONE determined in storage type 9010
***** Determine destination data - start *****
Storage type search fully defined: No entry found
Storage type search with wild card: Search sequence KBSS and rule 2 found
Storage type search sequence KBSS found
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type KB30
HU type check is not active in storage type KB30
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type GENR
HU type check is not active in storage type GENR
Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. Stor.Bin Type, 2nd alt. Storage Sec., 3rd alt. StorType
Access table for bin search:
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: T030 whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: KB30 storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Storage type: GENR storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Start of destination bin search
Stor.type: KB30, stor.area: ****, bin type: T030, stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type KB30: HUs not allowed
Standard putaway behavior (storage type KB30)
Split during putaway active for storage type KB30
Determining a fixed bin (storage type KB30)
Mixed storage in HU for storage type KB30 failed due to BAdI implementation
Mixed storage in HU for storage type KB30 failed due to BAdI implementation
Maximum number of fixed bins (2) reached in storage type KB30
Stor.type: GENR, stor.area: ****, bin type: , stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type GENR: HUs allowed but not required
Standard putaway behavior (storage type GENR)
Capacity check against storage bin GENR-BIN-003
Weight: 2,500 KG are checked
against free capacity 999,999,999,999.999 KG with tolerance 0 KG
Storage bin GENR-BIN-003 was found (storage type GENR)
HU was checked successfully
Dest. QTY 25.00000000000000 EA was determined (storage type: GENR, storage bin:GENR-BIN-003)
***** Putaway Warehouse Task Creation for HU 2676 - End
Storage process step IB02 determined for HU 2676
Destination data set to 8010 due to storage control
Warehouse process type set to 3060 due to storage control
***** Determine source data - start *****
Source HU 2676 entered; storage type: 9010; storage bin: GR-ZONE
Handling unit type E1 determined
Determine stock in source storage bin GR-ZONE
Source storage bin GR-ZONE determined in storage type 9010
***** Determine destination data - start *****
Defaults for destination data: StorType:8010 Handling Unit:00000000000000002676
Destination storage type 8010 checked successfully
Destination storage section check is not active in storage type 8010
HU type check is not active in storage type 8010
Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. Stor.Bin Type, 2nd alt. Storage Sec., 3rd alt. StorType
Access table for bin search:
Storage type: 8010 storage section: **** bin type: whse pos. eval.: 00000
Start of destination bin search
Stor.type: 8010, stor.area: ****, bin type: , stock mvmt: 00000 being examined
Storage type 8010: HU requirement
Standard putaway behavior (storage type 8010)
Capacity determined from HU 2676
Queue determination started with SFZ1/9010/8010/ /3060/ / /PTWY
Queue determination number 00001 with X/X/ / /
Queue not determined with SFZ1/9010/8010/ / /
Queue determination number 00002 with X/ / / /
Queue not determined with SFZ1/9010/ / / /
Queue determination number 00003 with / / /X/
Queue not determined with SFZ1/ / / /3060/
Queue determination number 00004 with /X/ / /
Queue determined with SFZ1/ /8010/ / /
Queue DECON-COM determined
Engineered Labor Standards Calculation
Work Steps for Selection SFZ1 8010 IB02 A:
Work step sequence: 0002 - step: 0002 - 00000
Condition: - constant: 5.000 - unit: MIN - formula
Overall result: 5.000 MIN (ELS was calculated: X)
Confirm still-unconfirmed product warehouse tasks for HU 2676
Confirm still-unconfirmed product warehouse tasks for HU 2676
An internal error has occurred
Ankit Kaushik