Hi All,
I am stuck in a putaway scenario.
The idea is to have one storage type for all pallets and have one WH task par pallet. For all the remaining loose quantities we can have a single line.
I have created a packaging specification with first level as EA and a second level as PAL. Quantity classification E and P are maintained for the respective levels and corresponding Operative UOM EA and PAL are maintained
For storage type X I have maintained at the rounding to single unit ( Value 2)
For Storage type Y i have maintained no rounding
the putaway search sequence uses respective qty classification to move the stock to either storage type X or Y based on Qty.
I have maintained the condition record for procedure 0WHT.
Assuming 10 EA equals 1 PAL
When i do a inbound for 55 PAL. The system determines the packaging specification and creates a putaway of 5.5 PAL into storage type X it is not rounding it to single units
Apparently the rounding into whole units at storage type level play a role in stock removal only (its under that section)
However if i change the setting at warehouse process type level. Where we have the same config and maintain rounding value as 2 then the system is generating 10 WH task. 1 each for 5 PALs and 1 each for 5 loose pick. This doesn't help me as its generating 5 WH task also for the loose pieces. I want the control at storage type level rather then at warehouse process type level. Is there any way i can achieve rounding for only one storage type during putaway
Also if i read the field help the Putaway qty classification at storage type level or at the product master level (storage type data) along with the packaging specification decides what is the operative UOM. but looks like the field " putaway qty classification" is not playing any role in putaway as the system behaves the same irrespective of wheter i maintain the field or not.
Thanks for reading it through and any suggestion provided!!